Wilenchik and Bartness participated recently in a case before the Supreme Court of Arizona along with other homebuilder company defendants on a case brought by the City of Phoenix regarding alleged construction defects in city streets.
Wilenchik and Bartness recently won a case in a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court of Arizona against Fidelity Title Insurance which was in the form of answers to certified questions posed to it by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, regarding foreclosure issues related to a title insurance policy…
Today, the Arizona Supreme Court issued its unanimous opinion in favor of Wilenchik & Bartness’s client. Dennis I. Wilenchik and Senior Attorney Tyler Q. Swensen argued the matter before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last year in Equity Income Partners v. Chicago Title Ins. Co., which certified questions in…
The Arizona Supreme Court has granted a petition for review that was filed on behalf of Thomas C. Horne by Dennis I. Wilenchik of Wilenchik & Bartness and Timothy LaSota of Tim LaSota, PLC. A copy of the Petition that was granted can be found here. The case is designated as Arizona Supreme Court Case…
United States Senators Jeffry Flake (R-Arizona) and Dianne Feinstein (D-California) have introduced legislation to prevent self-represented defendants in sexual assault cases from personally cross-examining their own child victims. Jack Wilenchik, an attorney at Wilenchik & Bartness, P.C. drafted the initial legislation based on a UNESCO model law (Article 27 of the “Justice…
July 20, 2016 – WB finds itself in the thick of things when it comes to establishing new law in Arizona on the calculation of damages for claims against a title insurer for the diminution of value of property caused by an existing defect in the title that the insurer…
Over a dozen national and state victim’s rights groups and children’s rights groups have filed in support of the Petition for Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court case of M.A. v. Padilla, No. 15-1049. Jack Wilenchik of Wilenchik & Bartness, P.C. filed the Petition on behalf of a child victim whose accused molester…
Dennis Wilenchik represents former Attorney General Tom Horne in the case. Mr. Wilenchik made the following statement with respect to the Court of Appeals’s recent decision: “Our intention is to petition for review to the Arizona Supreme Court and/or to bring the matter to the attention of the federal courts on the basis…
The mother of a victim of accused child molester Christopher Simcox today filed a Petition for the United States Supreme Court to intervene and prevent Simcox, who is acting as his own lawyer, from personally questioning the child victims in court, which includes her daughter. (A copy of the Petition for Writ…
Dennis Wilenchik successfully obtained a dismissal of the defamation lawsuit filed against former Maricopa County Republican Party Chairman A.J. LaFaro.