
4-11-12 AG Tom Horne, Phoenix PD on Trayvon Martin

Attorney General Tom Horne, Jeff Jameson of the Scottsdale Human Relations Commission,  Phoenix defense attorney Marc J. Victor, and Officers  James R. Holmes and Brian Kornegay from Phoenix Police Department weigh in on Arizona’s version of the “Stand Your Ground” statute and discuss the Trayvon Martin case in Florida.

Extremism in the Defense of Liberty…

Jack talks to Tom Jenney who is the Director of Americans for Prosperity in Arizona, an organization that the President says is “obsessed” with making him a one-term President.

3-21-12 CPS, Border Patrol Posses, and Contraception

Legalease is officially the third branch of the legislature!

Segments one and two: Rep. Katie Hobbs discusses HB 2794, a bill that will help streamline the function of social workers at child protective services. Also featuring Dana Naimark of the Children’s Action Alliance, an organization that advocates for the health and welfare of Arizona’s children and families.

On segment three: Senator Sylvia Allen – sponsor of SB1083,  a bill to create and fund a “special missions unit” to secure the Arizona border.

Segment four: Rep. Debbie Lesko – sponsor of HB2625 which, quoting from the Arizona Republic, “allows employers to refuse to provide health insurance coverage for birth control by citing religious and moral objections.”

3-14-12 Concealed Carry…Everywhere?

Jack talks to Representative David Gowan about his bill to extend concealed carry to every public building in the state for the first half of the hour. And then for the second half: should guns be allowed on college campuses? David Burnett and Cody McKenzie from “Students for Concealed Carry” think so. Mark Killian, from the Arizona Board of Regents, thinks not.

3-1-12 Greg Robinson and Tax Season on Legalease

Jack talks to attorney Greg Robinson about tax law while Senator Adam Biggs phones in to discuss his efforts to repeal the Arizona use tax.

2-22-12 Financial Planning

Jack talks to financial planners about where the economy is headed. Featuring Ken Edwins, Brian Jackson, and Cameron Black.

2-15-11 Going Green

Is going green the way to save our economy? Dennis and Jack talk to “Green” designer Kevin Edwards, Mary Wolf-Francis of DIRTT Environmental Solutions, and Patrick O’Grady from the Phoenix Business Journal.

2-8-12 Russell Pearce

Russell Pearce comes on the show to talk about the recall, his plans to run again, and where he stands on the issues.

2-1-12 Attorney General Tom Horne on Identity Theft

Attorney General Tom Horne talks to Dennis Wilenchik about identity theft. Arizona has been the top state (or the runner-up) for identity theft for five years – but can we turn it around?

1-25-12 Education in Arizona

Arizona places 44th in the nation for education and we’re tired of hearing about it – so what can we do? Dennis and Jack talk to Spokesperson for the Arizona Department of Education Andrew Lefevre, Director of Basis Charter Schools Dr. Michael Block, and Manager of Training Recruiting for Fry’s Supermarkets Nate Sadow about the problem.