
1-18-11 – State Treasurer Doug Ducey

Dennis talks to State Treasurer Doug Ducey about the Governor’s proposal to buy back the capitol buildings before the 100 year anniversary of the state, weighs in on the temporary sales tax, and discusses whether tax loopholes are costing the state.

1-11-12 Is the Economy Recovering?

Dennis Wilenchik talks to Arizona bank officers Dave Ralston – CEO of Bank of Arizona and Stephen P. Haggard – President and CEO of Metro Phoenix Bank along with Paul Hickman – President of The Arizona Bankers Association about local economic growth, lending, housing and the financial health of doing business in the Grand Canyon state.

1-4-12 Elder Abuse with Tom Horne

Dennis Wilenchik talks to State Attorney General Tom Horne as well as the local head of the AARP David Mitchell and elder rights attorney Jim Fassold about problems with elderly abuse, exploitation and neglect.

12-28-11 Politics and Today’s Youth

Jack Wilenchik talks to three ASU students about where young people stand on today’s issues. Happy Holidays from Legal-ease!

12-21-11 Redistricting Commissioner Richard Stertz

Jack interviews a member of the redistricting panel Richard Stertz as well as Robert Richie, Executive Director of Fairvote.org.

12-14-11 Michele Reagan and the Mortgage Crisis

State Senator Michele Reagan comes on to talk about her efforts to push legislation that would make it easier for homeowners who don’t want to default but can’t refinance their loan to find somebody who will help them, preferably from a local bank. Also, Paul Klimke from the Arizona Association of Mortgage Professionals joins the debate.

11-30-11 – Obamacare and Matt Heinz

Dennis Wilenchik talks to State Rep. Matt Heinz from Tucson, who is also a doctor, about what Obamacare really means, and callers phone in to voice their disapproval.

11-23-11 Sheriff Joe on the Show

Sheriff Joe talks about everything from the President’s birth certificate to the Russell Pearce recall.

11-16-11 Rep. Jerry Weiers, Wil Cardon, Bob Littlefield

Dennis Wilenchik interviews Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, about the future of immigration policies in Arizona and the “Utah compact.” Also, state Rep. Jerry Weiers talks about promoting employment opportunities for veterans, and Mesa businessman Wil Cardon discusses his campaign for Jon Kyl’s seat in the U.S. Senate. Finally, Scottsdale Councilman Bob Littlefield schools us on redistricting.

11-9-11 Pastor Terry Jones, Michelle Matheson

Jack talks to attorney Michelle Matheson about sexual harassment. And for the second half of the show, he takes on controversial Florida Pastor Terry Jones, who burned the Koran earlier this year.