Phoenix City Council Appoints John D. “Jack” Wilenchik to the Phoenix Historic Preservation and Heritage Commissions. February 20, 2019

Published on February 25, 2019

On February 20, 2019, the Phoenix City Council appointed John D. “Jack” Wilenchik to the Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission and the Phoenix Heritage Commission.
The Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission has nine members. The Historic Preservation Commission works with the Phoenix City Council on matters of historic preservation, including but not limited to:

* Working with residents on historic preservation issues;
* Reviewing appeals appeals on proposed alterations to historic properties;
* Conferring with city, county, regional, state and national historic preservation boards and commissions; and
* Making funding recommendations for Historic Preservation Bond Funds.

A complete description of the Commission’s duties and responsibilities, as well as a list of the members, can be found here: Historic Preservation Commission

The board of the Phoenix Heritage Commission is comprised of the nine members of the Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission and includes two members of the public-at-large who are also residents of the City of Phoenix. The Heritage Commission is responsible for identifying factors to be considered when reviewing proposals to name or rename City of Phoenix facilities and make those recommendations to the Phoenix City Council. More information on the Phoenix Heritage Commission and its list of members can be found here: Heritage Commission

“I’m proud to be serving the public and helping to both honor and create Phoenix history,” Wilenchik said regarding his appointment.

John D. “Jack” Wilenchik, after being appointed by the Phoenix City Council to the Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission and the Phoenix Heritage Commission.