
6-15-11 – Ann Timmer, Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals

Dennis talks with Chief Judge Ann Timmer of the Arizona Court of Appeals, Division One about what the Court of Appeals does and how it works. Also, Judge Timmer’s work on probate reform.

6-8-11 – Guest Joe Kanefield, President of the State Bar

Joe Kanefield talks about being former counsel for the Governor and President-elect of the State Bar, as well as Prop 200.

6-1-11 – Employer Immigration Sanctions – Jack Kavanaugh

Arizona’s employer sanctions law upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Guests: Garrick Taylor from the Arizona Chamber of Commerce; state Representative Jack Kavanaugh, who co-sponsored the original bill; MaryAnna Gitomer from U.S. Citizen Immigration Services; and Dee Dee Garcia from Somos Republicanos, a hispanic Republican group.

5-25-11 – Medicaid – State Sen. Nancy Barto, Rep. Kate Brophy-McGee, Byron Schlomach

Dennis talks to state Senator Nancy Barto, state Representative Kate Brophy-McGee, and economist for the Goldwater Institute Byron Schlomach about major cuts to Medicaid in the state budget. Also featuring comments from AHCCCS (Medicaid) spokeswoman Monica Coury.

5-18-11 – Vaughan Roofing Case – Guests Don and Matt Fendon

Dennis talks to workmen’s comp attorneys Don and Matt Fendon about the Vaughan Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. v. Rodriguez case, in which an undocumented worker was allowed to receive workmen’s comp benefits. Also on the show: attorneys for Plaintiff and Defendant in the case, Janice Barber and Kirk Landrey.

5-11-11 – Peggy Neely

Candidate for Mayor of Phoenix Peggy Neely talks to Dennis about running to become the first woman elected Mayor of Phoenix in over 30 years.

5-4-11 – Guest, Attorney General Tom Horne

Dennis talks to Attorney General Tom Horne and medical marijuana “entrepeneur” Allan Sobol.

4-27-11 – Clean Elections – State Sen. David Schapira and Rep. David Burnell Smith

Dennis interviews David Schapira about Clean Elections and working with other members of the legislature, then David Burnell Smith comes on to talk about Clean Elections and other issues.

4/20/2011 – the “Birther Bill” – Guest Orly Taitz

Jack Wilenchik talks to “birther” leader Orly Taitz about Jan Brewer’s veto of the Arizona birther bill. Also, Jack’s high school friend has a shocking immigration problem—despite living in the state for 20 years, graduating from an Arizona high school and getting an Arizona college education, he still isn’t a citizen and is in deportation proceedings.

4/13/2011 – Guest, Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Dennis and Jack sit down with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and talk about some of the latest county news. Vamos Jose!